GOOD JOB MODERN DANCERS!! It doesn't matter if you made a mistake(even though i haven't heard any). We did our best!! Listen up girls, tomorrow meet outside the general office at 2.30 pm. We will move to woodlands CC together. Please be there on time. thank you :D
hey people!!!
haha. gonna post about yesterday. cos nothing eventful happen today. yet. haha
anyways. zoey came over to try our hair for dance fest:D haha we went crazy with make up too. lol. got pics but not allowed to post them, lol.
after that dropped zoey at kranji station and went for ballet. didnt concentrate much today. hah. thinking too much about the whole week of modern dance. lol. so nothing much happened.
then got changed and followed zu you(is his name supposed to have a space in between?haha) to the huey guan. never really been to toa payoh so follow him around. had to wait for him twice to tie his shoelaces. suggested that he got velcros. LOL
he shared with me his thoughts of working in bread talk. hahaa. then had another stop. which was bubble tea. yay:D he was amazed with my triple pearls.
so i was just following him around. yeah.
then waited around at the huey guan. cos his class only start at like. 6? and we were there around 4.30 i think. so he went for class and i sat and watch awhile then went outside to drink my bubble tea and wait for the others. in the end only bernice, hui ting and jia hui turned up.
haha, miss jenny's dog, wenwen damn cute la. so fluffy. like a cotton ball liddat.
ok then went for class. it was fun lol. cant catch the steps at first. keep getting confused with arts fest de. what to do, same choreographer mah. haha. but its good :D then did the arts fest one at the end of class. haha. centre part only i do. lol. but zuyou got join in. haha
took the train home with jia hui and hui ting. and then my day was done. haha.
not bad huh. i quite liked it. cant wait for next week :D
hehee. wanna post some random pics. haha.
anyways. went shopping with my mom yesterday. bought my dance sneakers and another pair of jazz pants:D
then. went down to arab street and spent about 50 dollars on swarovski crystals :D and spent the rest of my afternoon bling-ing my phone (:
then.. um.. thursday.. went shopping with my mom too. and amazingly my bro went too. we went to queensway and got my bro's shoes. and i bought a water bottle and retro sunglasses :D

After that. went to ikea for lunch and me and my bro bought random soft toys. he got a panda and a beaver. and i got the heart thing with two arms and..

a guinea pig :D
hahaha. ok a very short and pointless post.
btw.. to all modern dancers. if any of you happen to read this crap post,
t-shirts cost $13. please pay me by next friday. need to pass to miss jenny by then. thank you :D
YAYYYYYYY! exams overrrrrr :D
got to make up for all my lost dance classes. haha
I got tortured by alicia with the torturing machine la. damn pain xD
here are the pics from avril lavigne 'the best damn tour'. sorry it took so long. studying for exams mah.. and i WILL NOT stay back in sec 2 okay.. unlike someone says.. hahah

haha. second compliment for today:D
sorry if pictures abit blur. was taken with my phone xD'
lol. i love compliments la :)
ok. i think i might go change my blogskin. bored le and someone say the tagboard is very narrow.