woohooo. let me introduce you to my loves :D
number 1: awesome stuff i got shopping with Zoey..

number 2: stuff from body shop sale.. i can just stay at home at shower all day. i swear..

from left to right: Gargantuan Green Grape(Matte); On the Same Paige; Shorts Story; Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot!; Louvre Me, Louvre Me Not; Bastille My Heart; Lincoln Park After Dark; Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees; DS reflection
sadly.. te OPI picture is blurest for some reason..
okay.. thats all i really wanted to post. haha
YAYY~! My daddy found most of the OPI nail polish colours. *does my super awesome sign* hahahhaha.
so lucky laa. up till yesterday he only found 2. and then i woke up this morning and see my phone. *a-w-e-s-o-m-e* hahahha. i have no idea whats up with me and the awesome thing. hahahhaha
yeahh. i got A1 for english oral. yayy
andandand. yay for yesterday. :D
and crap i need to study.. its not working.. i need to study. i need to study. i need to study. i need to study.
i am getting distracted.
oh wells.. this week was not bad.. :)
that pretty much sums it up.
Firstly, i have a four day dance camp(which is awesome) but one of the days clashes with the modern dance performance in school for the new zealand people. and i cant be at two places at once.
Secondly, the school is playing with our feelings again. Before SYF say if you get gold or gold with honours we take you to genting to compete. we come back with gold with honours and you say sorry cannot go. here, take soe money. i mean money good la. but i would rather go to genting.
Then we say, okay, we pay for our own expenses and we dont hodl the school responsible for us, and then now they dunt let us go again. WTF?!
Its not fun to be played around with like that okay. one fo the reasons i want to go genting is so that we get to perform the syf item again. and i feel very very very bad that we didnt get to perform for the syf presentation. i can tellyou honestly, no one could have felt any worse than me., i didnt give a damn how sick/well i felt. i felt more horrible because we couldnt perform. and now the school still wont give us a chance to perform. and please dun say: here go perform on school stage.....unless you give us proper flooring that is non slip and with no wires sticking out of the ground i will not roll on the floor for you.
Thirdly,, the celebration dance like no kick already. it was actually very faced paced and fun. but now its totally simplified so that the other girls who are taking psle can catch. they are not the only ones who have exam okayy? i also have right? and i think i probably have more things than the two of the psle girls add together. wanna bet?
yeahh. so now its kinda not as fun as before..
and damnit. i got to stop eating chocolate. i am seriously gonna get fat/fatter
oh god. i must discipline myself. i look horrible
woohoo. walked alot alot alot today. hahaha
from WOODLANDS to TOA PAYOH to get bubble tea!! yumyumyum. and then had macs for breakfast/lunch.
from there to ION ORCHARD and then to WHEELOCK PLACE and then walked to FAR EAST PLAZA. nothing much there. only bought a top and 2 bracelets.
and then walked back to WHEELOCK PLACE and back to ION ORCHARD and took train to SOMERSET and then walked to CATHAY CINELEISURE and bought some awesome candy and bought my rings! lalalala. to share with mummy. hahaha. and then took neoprints! :D
walked all the way back to ION ORCHARD and got lost there cos we couldnt find the link to WHEELOCK PLACE. so we walked round there like 2 times and we finally got to WHEELOCK PLACE and then walked back to FAR EAST PLAZA and then Zoey's aunt and uncle drove us back to WOODLANDS.
awesome journey yes? i bet we walked like more than 5km?! hahaha. KUDOS to Zoey.! able to survive that. hahahaha
random: i HATE it when my brother takes my things and dont return and when i ask forit he cant find it. shit you. damn it.
now i got no mood to post anymore.
To prove that my results is really not that bad(to me)
English - B3
Chinese - B4(holy mo! i didnt fail it :D)
AMaths - B3(this one also never fail. hahaha)
EMaths - A2
Chem - B4
Bio - A1
Poa - A1
Hum - A1
i finished reading breaking dawn.. NOOOOO~
i had to reread some parts several times cos i got confused with all the names :P
but the ending is so awesome laaaaaa~!
i want daddy to go U.S. already.! i want my nail polish!
and i hope tuesday shopping is very successful!
and i really really feel like makeover-ing my room. i already chose my colour! i got inspired by the colour of the walls of the indian restaurant i had dinner at yesterday. and then with the dark brown furniture in the place. so pretty! but the furniture in my room is not dark brown. darn-
i want go south africa quick quick.!
ohh and i wanna go costume connection :D i wanna buy soft shoes and more leotards. heee~!
and i think i am improving in ballet. yayy! but musnt(erh.. is that a word) stop working hard. its still frustrating that i keep falling into the barre and my toes are seriously dying..
and i want miss jenny to crack my back again. lol! it was painful but its super effective! i bet if i ask for her help like once a week or something, my back flexibility will be so much better than last time!
oh well. work harder work harder work harder.
and i must get into my studying mood soon. must focus. concentrate. i need some motivation, i dunno what motivated me for common test 2. i cant remember. crap. nvm..must get down to it soon.
tomorrow i shall paint my nails. and then go huay kuan. must wake up earlier!! :D
Yayy! i am in a good mood now.! hehehe. i bet its cos of modern dance! i always feel good after training! and got so many things to look forward to when school ends!! :D
andand, i am quite satisfied with my results :D i was called in to see Mr Chen and all he wanted to say was. 'Good job' and 'You improved tremendously'. so i must work harder! like he said, its better to struggle this year than next year. i hope i can do it, must have a very strong mind. and dont be so pessimistic about some things.
though i have to say i was EXTREMELY UPSET that we have to go back to school on thursday and friday during the HOLIDAYS from
8.00 am to 4.30 pm. on BOTH days. they might as well say sorry you cant have holiday. i would rather have a normal week at school than 2 HOURS of lessons with only like 15-30minutes break in between and we are not even sure the canteen will be open. haiyah but what can i do? complain only right.? and i was planning to use my holidays to catch up and maybe start studying, i guess all i can do now is do my homework with what little time i have left. damn. that really ruins it.
argh. i really cannot
cannot cannot wait for EOY to end. i swear, if they want to bring me back to school for studying i can tell you now, it will be extremely difficult. i shall just ask me parents to bring us on holiday so the school cannot contact anyone. or, i can ask my parents to go on holiday and i can stay with someone whom the school has no contact with. wow. that'll be awesome. ok nevermind, i shall just look forward to the good stuff, hoepfully that will make me get through the coming days faster.. how i wish i could turn back time not so i can change anything but so i can experience good memories again. it feels like life is too short.
OH WELL, SCREW LIFE. i enjoyed dinner with jayying just now, i had absolutely nothing on my mind and i felt like my old self again-the one that enjoyed life. i think its the school environment thats so stressfully annoying. the only time i really enjoyed myself in school today was dance. and i really truly loved it. just felt so free. BARBIE! hahahahahaha. mmmm. and i improve le. yayyy.! maybe i already improved before that but i only realised today. i guess it just took me by surprise. but still, yayyyyy~!
i still think dance is my best time to enjoy myself, other than when i am with friends OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL.(its way less stressful) especially modern dance, can just go crazy! unlike in ballet, its kinda difficult to want to like, grande jete just to cross the room or turn at any random time cos well, there isnt much space and i think everyone will just stare at me and say your technique is wrong or something when i am just jumping/turning for the fun of it. and huay kuan is okay too! i think i better already but i stillnot very used to the style then finding it quite difficult to remember the steps. :S
lalalala~ i dun wanna blog anymore, must go do english filing and organise some things. yay to me for forcing myself to do my filing. hahah!